יום ראשון, 15 במאי 2011

Bedtime Care Bear

Bedtime Care Bear. Bedtime Bear
  • Bedtime Bear

  • Funkymonk
    Apr 28, 10:06 AM
    Verizon already had a lot of high end android devices so maybe those customers didn't want to switch to a new platform? I know a few verizon iphone adopters that switched back to android. Lol maybe they just realized that at the end of the day all smartphones are essentially the same.

    Bedtime Care Bear. Bedtime Jumbo Pillow Plush
  • Bedtime Jumbo Pillow Plush

  • mcdj
    Mar 27, 08:50 PM
    Its really him. Just got this message

    LOL Age has nothing to do with knowledge and/or wisdom. I will challenge your ability to reason any day you want and I will win. I love making a mockery of elderly people who think they're intelligent. :P

    Thanks for the forum topic lol I'm laughing so hard...

    - stratocasterdan

    edit. I hope 27 isnt elderly otherwise I'm old!

    LOL. Yeah that proves it's him. I'm CIA, I know these things.

    Bedtime Care Bear. Care Bears Nursery Patterns
  • Care Bears Nursery Patterns

  • iStudentUK
    May 5, 02:55 AM
    I want retribution, so do most americans.

    That doesn't make it right. Retribution, revenge, anger, fear etc are not good emotions. Try to overcome these basic desires.

    I overheard someone on the bus say something like this-

    "So Bin Laden committed an awful crime, no denying that. But in response the US imprisoned people without trial for years in Gitmo, tortured some of them for information, then shot Bin Laden when he was unarmed. They both seem pretty bad to me."

    I can see where this view comes from. Many times I've heard Americans complain that Europeans "look down their noses at them" and "maybe they would understand when planes fly into some of their buildings". However, when the US response to a disaster is detention and torture what do you expect? The US has lost the moral high ground, and these human rights violations only serve to encourage more people to fight against the US.

    It times of difficulty many governments bend the rules, and it is how the courts and the public respond that matters. In the UK we detained some people, but they started a court case and won. We had a report of MI6 feeding questions to Moroccan security forces to get them to get information out of someone. However, MI6 was tripping over itself to say they don't condone torture and the courts constantly ruled more information on the subject should be released.

    Detention without trial and torture are the methods used by dictatorships and authoritarian regimes, and the world will always look down on the US government so long as they are used.

    Bedtime Care Bear. Care Bears Bedtime Bear
  • Care Bears Bedtime Bear

  • skeep5
    Nov 19, 11:44 AM
    if it sounds too good to be true... hello!

    Bedtime Care Bear. Deluxe Plush Bedtime Care Bear Costume [Child Care Bears Costumes] - : Costume Craft Shop
  • Deluxe Plush Bedtime Care Bear Costume [Child Care Bears Costumes] - : Costume Craft Shop

  • niuniu
    Jun 7, 11:30 AM
    Is Arn Number 2?

    Bedtime Care Bear. 20 ann Bedtime Bear
  • 20 ann Bedtime Bear

  • Rower_CPU
    Aug 15, 11:57 AM
    Looks like it.


    Bedtime Care Bear. Colour in the Care Bears on
  • Colour in the Care Bears on

  • unid
    Dec 11, 11:39 AM
    http://i851.photobucket.com/albums/ab76/unid_photo/swingeing%20worldwide/th_strolling.jpg (http://s851.photobucket.com/albums/ab76/unid_photo/swingeing%20worldwide/?action=view&current=strolling.jpg)

    Bedtime Care Bear. Care Bears
  • Care Bears

  • 4JNA
    Mar 28, 10:37 AM
    Thanks for the input. can I ask, is the temp drop compared to Arctic Silver or the original paste?

    yeah, sorry for not being clear. already had been getting decent temp drops when using arctic silver over standard paste, and then saw an additional drop when i started using mx-2.

    took several systems apart, removed arctic silver, installed mx-2 and had a couple to several degree drop on the same system so could say it was the paste as everything else stayed the same. best of luck.

    Bedtime Care Bear. Care Bear - Bedtime Bear
  • Care Bear - Bedtime Bear

  • leetlamer
    Apr 4, 10:02 AM
    This is why carrier competition is important. The T-Mobile deal needs to be struck down by regulators.


  • clientsiman
    May 4, 08:18 AM
    It's still wrong and inhuman.

    Bedtime Care Bear. Mini Bedtime Bear Care Bears
  • Mini Bedtime Bear Care Bears

  • �algiris
    Apr 20, 03:15 PM
    How do they track individual users to know that one person owns multiple devices?

    Marginalization of iOS!? That's some funny stuff. One company has more market share than all others combined and you talk marginalization. Full of hot air.

    I think it's not air he's full of :D

    Bedtime Care Bear. Care Bears Bedtime Bear 13#39;
  • Care Bears Bedtime Bear 13#39;

  • plasticphyte
    Apr 2, 08:01 AM
    My desktop with a photo I took last weekend.

    Bedtime Care Bear. Care Bear Bedtime Cub with
  • Care Bear Bedtime Cub with

  • yadmonkey
    May 2, 04:55 PM
    You're only making excuses for the discrimination.

    I'm sorry I engaged you because now you're just being unfair.

    Bedtime Care Bear. Care Bears Bedtime Bear 10#39;
  • Care Bears Bedtime Bear 10#39;

  • VideoShooter
    Jul 11, 02:41 AM
    About 40 people in line. Line goes about half a block down.

    Tents, lawn chairs, guitar hero, kids playing soccer in the street. So many fanboys.

    Black sheets covering the windows.

    Little known fact: Steve Jobs lives within 12 blocks of this store.

    Bedtime Care Bear. Deluxe Plush Bedtime Care Bear Costume [Child Care Bears Costumes] - : Costume Craft Shop
  • Deluxe Plush Bedtime Care Bear Costume [Child Care Bears Costumes] - : Costume Craft Shop

  • LaLLLy
    Oct 15, 11:36 AM


  • chosenkill6
    May 3, 06:26 PM
    Hey guys, i just found this website if you need some help with iphones, i recently broke my phone and this site helped me out. May not look like a great site, but trust me it helps.


    Bedtime Care Bear. nature,care bear Careapr
  • nature,care bear Careapr

  • idonotliketostu
    Apr 1, 08:56 PM
    Demand don't lie.

    Bedtime Care Bear. little care bear sticker
  • little care bear sticker

  • Hey Jude
    Mar 19, 06:03 AM
    There is a similar case in which a teen brought her 7 year old sister to an apartment where she was gang-raped for money. The case is falling apart due to lack of evidence. They probably all wore rubbers.

    A girl pimped her 7 year old sister. Animals don't do stuff like this.

    TRENTON � City police have charged a 15-year-old girl as an accomplice to the gang rape of her 7-year-old sister.

    You, sir, owe an apology to animals. The people who did this to that 7-y-o are sub-animals, and my stomach literally turned at the thought of the suffering that little girl endured.

    Regarding the 11-y-o, I read about this on another blog, and everyone there were uniformly disgusted by this comment. Children cannot give consent, and it doesn't matter if she was "asking" for it either verbally, or based on the way that she was dressed. She cannot legally give consent to sexual relations, so she was raped! There is no ambiguity, and I am surprised this cretin was able to dig to the bottom of the sewer to come up with one.

    Bedtime Care Bear. Bedtime Care Bear
  • Bedtime Care Bear

  • Sphere777
    Jul 18, 10:54 AM
    Showed up at 8am and the line was already 60 deep. I guess I'm going to have to wait a few weeks...

    Obi-Wan Kubrick
    Apr 7, 08:25 AM
    12 Petabytes, that's cute. I remember when I had my first beer.

    Oct 10, 05:29 PM
    Nothing amazing, still experimenting with GeekTool and Candybar.


    Feb 1, 12:11 PM
    LIIINNNNKKKK!!!!? Badass wallpaper, man.

    Check interfacelift site

    Its one of the newer walls added recently

    May 7, 03:17 AM

    Apr 25, 10:47 AM
    Are you freaking kidding me!?!! I spend HUNDREDS of dollars to convert mine to white, and now its out?! AARRRGG

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